Friday, July 9, 2010


A week ago Thursday I finally got my CGC (Canine Good Citizen). Now more obedience and beginning of August we start agility with my mom's friend Judy at All Dog's Gym in Manchester. When my certificate, patch and tag come in mom will put up pictures.

Right now I am trying to stay cool. I do not like to go out in this terrible hazy, hot and humid weather. I love it to be nice and cool. Mom has been riding her motorcycle or driving our friends car which has AC.

Well everyone stay cool and drink LOTS of water. Me I am going to stay at the house where the AC is going and I am nice and comfy.

By the way my Grandma Buttercup (Shiba Family) is now a Great Grandma. Her granddaughter Nutmeg had a litter of 5 puppies. Here is a link to see the babies.

Congratulations to Nutmeg and James.

Pi and his mom Jenny